
Well, atleast the bloody plane has arrived at the gate. It's a start, isn't it? Wankers.

I hope the CEO of Norwegian dies a horrible death, and then burns in hell. Actually I don't. I'm too good a person. But I hope he suffers somehow. Possibly a burning, painful and itching rash around his genitals. Or genital herpes or something that he caught from his 18 year old mistress. And then he gives it to his wife, she (obviously) finds out, divorces him, and takes all his money. All the money that should have been spent on functional airoplaneequipment.

Ok, so I am a little evil.

(Red. anm: Jag ber om ursäkt, Ibland i sådana här situationer kommer den sarkastiska och hatiska halvengelskan i mig fram. Ursäkta om någon tar illa vid sig. Jag bryr mig helt enkelt inte.)


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